Tuesday 27 September 2011

chris christie

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie has said he is not running for president. But one of his predecessors who has known Christie for decades says he is now at least thinking about it.
Former governor Tom Kean told the National Review Online that the chatter around Christie's change of heart in recent days is "real."
Kean said "I think the odds are a lot better now than they were a two weeks ago."
Christie is decided to speak later Tuesday at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in Simi Valley, Calif. in remarks titled "Real American Exceptionalism."
The news comes as front-runner Rick Perry repeatedly to get poor reviews for his debate performances. The Texas governor himself running in the race after initially saying he was not interested.
The chatter of Christie run may be just that. Kean, who would like to see Christie run, might be interest in stirring up talk of presidential campaign.
"He is the best debater and speaker  I may have ever heard in politics," Kean told the National Review, adding "he said many people are not satisfied with the field."
Republicans are clamoring for a candidate who would be able to energize the base and defeat President Obama in a general election. Erstwhile front-runner Mitt Romney is widely seen as one of the most powerful Republican candidates in a general election, but the most conservative parts of the party are less than thrilled with a candidate who was once governor of left-leaning Massachusetts.
Christie, as governor of Democratic New Jersey,might run into the same problem with Republican primary voters, who tend to be have the most conservative views of the party.
In New Jersey, however, Christie's approval rating has gaining sharply since he signed into a law a dramatic revamp of pension and health benefits for state in June.
About 54 percent of voters in his state now vote him on his performance as governor, while 36 percent dislike. That's a 10 point increase from the 44 percent approval in May, when about 44 percent also disapproved, and the highest approval rating for Christie since taking office after ousting former Democratic Gov. Jon Corzine in 2009.

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